
【Understanding each other is what it is all about】

With the information that you have in Human Design in terms of the nature of types, you have a way of encouraging people to live out their own nature.

I do not pay much attention to generators when they initiate things with me. I expect manifestors to ask. My son is a generator so I make sure that I ask him to do things rather than telling him to do things so that he has an opportunity to respond because that is his

With the knowledge that you have and the people around you in your life, there are ways for you to deal with these people: encourage them to be themselves and then you don't become part of the problem by just mindlessly conditioning them even though you know better. This is very important.

One of the main tasks that we have in our process is that, by recognizing and being aware of the other, wehave to encourage them to be themselves.

We have ways of doing that with the knowledge that we have. The more people we have that are living out their nature, that are encouraged to live out their own nature, the better and the healthier all of us are going to be and the better is the environment that all of us live in.

One of the things to recognize about having the knowledge of the other is that you can encourage them to be themselves, not by telling them what to do and how to act but by the very recognition of their nature, by encouraging in the way you interact with them so that you don't become a conditioning force.

You become a healing force.

- Ra

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